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Dear future costumers,
Our company “Tunchmatic”-AD worked along with “Buildsolar- BG” EOOD from 2015 to 2017 in accomplishing mechanical installation projects – 12 projects as presented below. Even though in the chosen areas the geographical and climate conditions were a real challenge, we managed to complete these projects in time without any perplexities due to their professionalism. Undoubtedly, putting into practice 38MWp projects with this executor was an easy task and its maintenance from now on will be, too.

Area Project PWR Power date
Konya Kuzyoren 4 MW 02.03.2015
Nigde Jeshilgyoldjuk 1 MW 25.12.2015
Aksaray Agzukarahan 2 MW  01.04.2016
Karaman Kazumkarabekir 2 MW 15.05.2016
Afyon Dinar 2 MW 02.08.2016
Nigde Aktash 4 MW 28.09.2016
Aksaray Agzukarahan 3 MW 05.12.2016
Aksaray Armutlu 2 MW 03.03.2017
Karaman Choglu 5 MW 23.05.2017
Ushak Omurdja 2 MW 05.07.2017
Ushak Karluk 8 MW 05.08.2017
Elazug Kovandular 3 MW 27.11.2017


This company has done its part of the job correctly and in time. Whenever a problem appeared, they dealt with it on a local level without bothering chief authorities. Working with Buildsolar went smoothly and we will definitely work with them again in the future. Tunchmatic highly recommend this executor to all the other companies from this sphere of activity.




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Build Solar-BG Ltd is registered into the Bulgarian Construction Chamber,member of FIEC (European Construction Industry Federation).
The company is a member of Bulgarian Photovoltaic Association.
The company is a member of Bulgarian Solar Association.

bfa fiec igb bsa

 Address: 6003, Stara Zagora, City Center Stara Zagora (CCSZ), 28 Knyaz Alexander Batenberg Blvd.
Tel. +359877949495, +359877949444, +359 877990842, +359 877990841
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